Story behind the Story – Part 5 - #Gardening

I grew up gardening. We grew, raised, or hunted nearly everything we ate. As an adult, I seldom lived where I had enough land to raise meat, but I’ve always found a way to garden. I’ve developed raised beds, used pots and small plots, and currently have a large enough garden to grow enough produce to eat fresh, freeze, can, dry, share with neighbors and friends, and make relish and sauerkraut. Not only do I prefer the flavor of home-grown produce and love the price, the act of gardening is one of my joys in life.

Gardening is essential to the survival of Beartooth’s residents. I hope you will join in this epic dystopian adventure starting with, Refuge from the World (The Beartooth Chronicles, Book 1). It is available in ebook and print from most major online booksellers. Order your ebook from Amazon at or in paperback at, or find buy links to other online booksellers in the Beartooth Chronicles’ page on this blog.    


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