A Measure of Madness #MFRWhooks

Happy Hump Day and welcome to this weeks Marketing for Romance Writers' Book Hooks. The latest installment in my Risky Research Series, A Measure of Madness, was released last Friday. Below is a very short excerpt that I hope will whet your appetite. If you are still unsure if you want to try a new series, dip your toe in the water with my free prequel micro-read for the series, A Measure of Madness. The following link will take you to the Amazon page for all my novels where you can download one or both. Thank you! https://www.amazon.com/s?k=%22kim+mcmahill%22&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

Devyn did as ordered as tears streamed down her checks. She felt like a coward running, but knew it was retreat or die.

Bullets rained around her as she ran in a zig-zag pattern, trying to avoid being hit. She had almost reached the truck when a bullet grazed her ankle, sending her tumbling to the ground. She scrambled to her feet. Fueled with adrenaline, she ignored the pain as she hobbled the last twenty feet to the truck.

Sliding into the driver’s seat, she locked the doors and fished the keys out of her pocket. She dared a glance back. Sofia was still firing at Ramon and J.R., but was clearly too far gone to get off an accurate shot. But she had effectively given Devyn the time she needed to get to the truck.

As Sofia’s arm lowered, J.R. walked toward her. He knelt on the ground and placed his lips to hers for a long and tender moment. He then slowly rose to his feet and pointed the gun at Sofia.

To view other awesome hooks, check out these blogs: 


  1. What an intense snippet! It left me wanting more!

  2. Thanks, I'm glad it hit the right note

  3. So is this a kiss before dying? This snippet raises a host of questions.

  4. Great question, unfortunately, to answer would probably give away too much. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you'll give the series a try. The series is heavy on suspense and light on the romance, so everyone can enjoy.


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