New Release in Scarred Hearts Series

I want to thank Kim for hosting me today. A Reckless Heart is the first book in a four book contemporary romance series, and I’m so excited for this series to come to fruition. It’s funny, because as a writer, I’m always asking myself “what if” questions. Sometimes, those questions lead nowhere. Other times, they’ll lead to a character or a scene. If I’m very lucky, they lead me to an entire book. In this case, my “what if” led me to my Scarred Hearts series. I’ve always loved the beauty and the beast theme for romances. Not because I want my heroes beastly, but because that theme gives me fodder to delve deeply into why the hero does what he does or acts how he acts. Basically, I like looking into the psychological reasons. I like finding the vulnerability that turns him into someone we can root for and fall in love with. My Scarred Hearts series started with the idea of four wealthy men who used their money for good. I noodled around for a while with different character traits, p...