Guest Blogger Carlene Havel

What could be more routine than running to the grocery store? Yet I recently learned something about perspective on such an errand. A group of three people preceded me through the exit: a young woman, a boy about four, and a girl perhaps six. The woman stopped at the door. "Oh, no," she wailed. Meanwhile, the kids jumped up and down, whooping and laughing. The grownup was probably caught up in practical concerns about umbrellas, hairdos, and dampened clothing. The children accepted the inevitability of the rainstorm with glee. Everyone leaving the store that morning would get wet, some joyfully, some with chagrin. I followed the little family into the rain, determined to relish the simple adventure of an unexpected cloudburst. 


  1. This says a lot about point of view. If the kids told this story it would an adventure. If the mother related it, no doubt she'd see it as a pain and a problem. Cute story.
    Barri Bryan

  2. You're so right! Perspective--what authors sometimes call "point of view" is essential to telling a story.


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