Story behind The Beartooth Chronicles – Part 7 – High-Elevation Mine

The mine that I based the abandoned Avalanche Mine on in Above the Abyss, book 2 in The Beartooth Chronicles, is located in southwestern Montana. This mining site traces its origins back to 1917. The mine was an underground mining operation with veins producing gold, but mostly copper. The mine is located at about 9,600 feet in elevation. Many years ago, we often rode our ATVs up the steep, winding, dirt forest service road to the top of the high-elevation pass where the mine is located. Many relics from the active mining era were visible on the surface at that time. The climate at this elevation makes the mine accessible for only a few months in the summer. I hope you'll check out my dystopian series and discover more about the fictional mine and the crater that swallowed up the town below the mountain.


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