I’ve been stuck close to home. I’m itching to get out and explore, but sometimes things are out of our control. Fortunately, I live in an area where close to home (what I define as 100 miles or less) has a lot of amazing scenery and wide-open spaces for recreation.

I was very excited to learn that six of my backlist titles have been selected as Amazon Daily Deals for August, which means for one day only the book will be available for download for just $1.99 on Amazon. Check the list of titles and dates below under “MY BOOKS.”

Whether you’re spending your summer close to home or far away, I hope you’re having a wonderful break and you will pick up one of my new or discounted novels. Happy reading!


I’ve been working on edits for book 3 in The Beartooth Chronicles, Isolated from Anarchy. I think we’re looking at an early fall 2024 release. In case you missed it, book 2, Above the Abyss, was released in June, and the first novel in the series, Refuge from the World, is currently on sale for just $2.99 from all of the usual online book sellers.


As I mentioned earlier, I’ve had to stick close to home in July and most of August, but I do have plans for a road trip in late summer. Despite being unable to go far, we have made some half-day outings to some really beautiful places. I especially enjoy going to the places that inspired the fictional locals in The Beartooth Chronicles. Even a short time in nature helps mend the soul. 


I finally finished Pandora’s Temple by Jon Lund. I enjoyed the book. It reminded me of a James Rollins novel, which I love by the way. I’ve also read the first two novels in Claire Vale’s Sin of Duty Series. The story is a little disturbing, but well written and it really drew me in. Think Hunger Games. I was a little disappointed when I finished book two and learned that book 3 isn’t coming out until November 2024. So, with that on hold, I’m now reading Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood.

MY BOOKS: You can find all of my books on Amazon through my Amazon Author Page at Most of my books are also available through the other major online book sellers.

Amazon August Daily Deals (the link above will take you to all of my books on Amazon):

August 2, 2024    A Taste of Tragedy (Risky Research, Book 2)

August 15, 2024 A Measure of Madness (Risky Research, Book 4)

August 19, 2024  Shrouded in Secrets

August 20, 2024  A Foundation of Fear (Risky Research, Book 3)

August 23, 2024  Marked in Mexico

August 28, 2024  A Dose of Danger (Risky Research, Book 1)

Thanks for sharing in my fictional and real-life adventures. I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July, and are thoroughly enjoying your summer.



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