Teaser Tuesday – Risky Research Series – A Dose of Danger #2

If you enjoyed last week’s Teaser Tuesday post for book one in the Risky Research Series, A Dose of Danger, but still haven’t downloaded your copy from Amazon or ordered your paperback copy, here’s another little excerpt. Jump into the series now before book two in the Risky Research Series, A Taste of Tragedy, is released on April 8, 2016. Stay tuned for more mini excerpt from both novels in the weeks.

The scene unfolded as if in slow motion. Grace watched the front two doors fly open, men piling out of the rig, and all four occupants running in opposite directions. The sky lit up as an eardrum-shattering explosion lifted the large vehicle slightly and engulfed it in flames, the percussion catapulting the running men into the air and shaking the remaining intact windows of the house.
Grace stared in disbelief, her ears ringing, her mind whirling, struggling to grasp what had happened. The haze made her slow to react as the snowmobile flew onto the porch and the driver dove off, rolling toward the door, the machine speeding on, riderless. 
Fists pounding on the wood, a familiar voice yelling her name, and a shoulder slamming into the door broke through the fog. Grace feared the door was about to give as she fumbled to unfasten the lock. A man pushed through, knocking her out of the way. Grace regained her balance, slammed the door shut, and threw herself into the arms of the gasping man.


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