Fabulous February

Not only does the arrival of February make me feel like spring is just around the corner, the month is filled with holidays and many other unique events. February 2nd was Groundhog’s Day. Sunday is Super Bowl 50, which is especially exciting for me this year. Go Broncos! This February has a Leap Day, which won’t occur again until 2020. And no discussion of February is complete without a mention of Valentine’s Day, a day to be celebrated with the one you love.
Here are a few others of interest:

February 8 - Chinese New Years It's the Year 4714!
February 9 - Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday)
February 10 - Ash Wednesday
February 11 - 12 Lincoln's Birthday
February 15 - President's Day  (always the third Monday of month)
February 15 - Singles Awareness Day
February 22 - Washington's Birthday
February 28 -  Oscar Night 2016 


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