Giveaway Blog Hop

Welcome to the Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop , where nearly150 bloggers are giving away great goodies. Here at Embrace Adventure , I’m giving away an Adventure pack, which includes a trade paperback copy of my first and only mystery novel, The Lodge , a set of my recently designed luggage tags, magnets, and a supply of customized tip charts. The Lodge is a cozy mystery set off the Alaskan mainland, and it’s only available while supplies last through Amazon - when the print run is gone, it’s gone. Its sequel, Deadly Ruins , is an a rcheological adventure thriller, available in trade paperback and Kindle. My four most recent novels (listed to the right) are all adventure suspense with a little romance mixed in. Visit your favorite on-line book retailer for blurbs and prices. And, as always, twitter followers are appreciated at . For a chance at the adventure gift pack, simply comment on this post with an email address, and a recipient will ...