
Showing posts from September, 2024

Story behind The Beartooth Chronicles – Part 8 – Cold Frames

In Above the Abyss , book 2 in the series, the residents of Beartooth construct cold frames along the side of one of the log structures to help them continue to grow greens year-round after the first stratospheric aerosol injection lowers the temperatures at their high-elevation home. In agriculture and gardening, cold frames are transparent-roofed enclosures, generally built low to the ground . The transparent top allows sunlight in and prevents heat from escaping, particularly at night. Cold frames are a great way to extend the growing season in areas with short seasons.


I can’t believe that summer is almost over. I generally love summer, but this one has been a season of rollercoaster temperatures, lots of smoke from wildfires, and a host of other not-so-pleasant issues, so I won’t be a sad as I am most years to see it go. As an avid gardener, it is fun to watch the garden grow all summer and to be able to enjoy fresh produce as it matures, but there is something special about fall. It is a time to take stock of the garden’s bounty, assess successes and failures, and stow all the supplies for next year. It’s also time to slow down and enjoy the cooler temperatures and changing colors. I hope this fall can also be a time of rejuvenation for all. WRITING Six of my backlist titles were featured in Amazon’s August daily deals. Each book was discounted on the scheduled day, but I noticed that the discounted price stuck around for few days to weeks afterward. So, if you’ve missed any of my novels or want to give one a try, check now. Some ebooks may s