Story behind The Beartooth Chronicles – Part 3 – SAI

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection or SAI is a solar geo-engineering process where sulfur aerosols are introduced into the stratosphere about twenty-five miles above the earth's surface. The aerosols would then, theoretically, combine with water particles and reflect more sunlight than usual back into space cooling the planet. The effects of SAI wane over time and would have to be repeated over large areas for decade to make the results permanent. SAI is one more threat to the survival of the residents of Beartooth. Discover why in Refuge from the World (The Beartooth Chronicles, Book 1). It is available in ebook and print from most major online booksellers. Order your ebook from Amazon at or in paperback at , or find buy links to other online booksellers in the Beartooth Chronicles’ page on this blog.