July 2022 Important Holiday and Silly Events

The list of July holidays and silly events is short, but one is very important, Independence Day. The Fourth of July is the birthday of our nation. It’s the day we celebrate and enjoy the benefits of the freedom which the framers of the Declaration of Independence signed and ultimately fought for. Freedom means freedom for all, not just a group who share a certain set of ideals. I hope this day can mark the day in 2022 when we set aside our differences, put away the hate, and focus on what it means to be free. I also hope our politicians reaffirm their commitment to their oath of office, the Constitution, and their obligation to the American People. Public service is to serve the public not oneself.


July 4 - Independence Day

July 5 - National Bikini Day

July 20 - National Hot Dog Day

July 22 - Hammock Day


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