Super End-of-Summer Shorts – Volume 14

The fourteenth short story in my Super End-of-Summer Shorts series is, The Warehouse Tour, K.A. Cummins. Keep reading to learn more about this short story and author, K.A. Cummins.

Jill Baker's brother and his friends disappear during a haunted Halloween tour in an old warehouse. She's convinced something sinister lurks inside—hiding in the dark, behind the masks and costumes. As her options to find her brother dwindle, Jill must be willing to face her fear and enter the warehouse, if she hopes to uncover the truth.

K.A. Cummins is a math lover, techie, consumer of mass amounts of information, art enthusiast, a homeschooler, and an indie author. She also enjoys seizing opportunities for adventure, when they arise. Her work has appeared in Havok Magazine and she’s a former contributor to Lands Uncharted. She was awarded an Honorable Mention in the Writers of the Future contest for the 3rd Quarter of 2016 and was runner-up in the Realm Makers Scholarship Contest hosted by Endless Press in January of 2018.
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