Super Summer Shorts – Volume 1

Lately I’ve been feeling under a lot of pressure. I don’t have enough hours in the day for a full-time job, writing and marketing novels, and keeping up with all the activities I love like gardening, traveling, and reading. I haven’t found a long-term solution for having too many things to do and not enough time, but I recently read a short story, Texas Runaway Bride by Carlene Havel and found I got a lot of enjoyment in the quick read. I was entertained and felt that feeling of satisfaction from completing something.
For those short on time or funds and interested in quick reads for free or costing only a nominal amount, I’ll be posting information on short stories spanning a range of interests. I’ll try to post at least one per week, probably through September unless I discover more great reads to share. For starters, here are blurbs from the above mentioned short story by Carlene Havel (free) and the one I recently published as a free prequel to my Risky Research Series. I hope you enjoy these and will keep checking back for more.
Texas Runaway Bride (Free download on Amazon)
In 1849, Ruth Van Ruekle is an orphaned teenager stuck in a frontier town, working in a saloon. A strange set of circumstances send her on a journey that includes meeting one of her own time-travelling descendants. When she reaches California and reveals her past to her prospective husband, Ruth finds out George has a secret of his own. Download for free from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, or Kobo.

A Formidable Foe (Free download on Amazon)
University student Devyn Nash is frustrated. No one believes her theory that two unrelated off-campus student deaths are the product of a serial killer. Authorities disregard her concerns and dire predictions, but her gut tells her not to give up. Will she convince them to heed her warnings before the killer strikes again or will she be the next victim? Download for free from Amazon here.


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