Redbend High Series

The third book in the Redbend High Series, Lineage, written by Anna Kittrell, has just been released by Prism Book Group. To learn more about this Young Adult Christian novel and the author please keep reading.

Bianca can’t walk away from her family—she’ll have to run.

Following the death of her mother, Bianca and her dad are on their own. But when a redheaded stranger at the funeral claims to be her biological father, Bianca’s reality crumbles. She soon finds herself trapped between the alcoholism of one father, and the wicked schemes of another—with no way to escape.
About the Author
Anna has written stories for as long as she can remember. She still has most of her tattered creations, leftovers she was unable to sell on the playground for a dime, written in childish handwriting on notebook paper, bound with too many staples. Her love of storytelling has grown throughout the years. She is thrilled to learn some people now believe her tales to be worth more than ten cents.

Anna resides in small town Oklahoma with her high school sweetheart-turned-husband Tim, and their teenaged daughter Brandilyn. Anna works as secretary of her hometown middle school—the greatest place on earth this side of Disney World.
Other books by Anna include:
Witcha’be (Kindle only $0.99)
Dizzy Blonde (Kindle only $2.99)
Another Man’s Treasure (Kindle only $4.99)


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