Defining Adventure

According to my Merriam-Webster Dictionary, one definition of adventure is, “a remarkable and exciting experience.” This definition encompasses a broad range and can mean something different to everyone and must fit within each individual's comfort zone. I’ve noticed that as I’ve aged my comfort zone has become increasingly smaller, but the memories of adventures past will never diminish and will serve to keep me actively searching for the next thrilling escapade.

I’ve usually associated the term, “adventure,” with an amazing adrenaline-producing event experienced in an exotic and foreign land. Many times in my life this has been the case, but clearly true adventure has no geographic limits and can be found just outside ones door. When I think about all the exciting experiences I’ve had, probably the most outrageous occurred while living in the Solomon Islands. I could go on for, say, an entire book, which I did many years ago. But, for now I’ll just let my mind wander back to being tossed about in an angry South Pacific sea in a small boat, watching with fear as our canoe was pulled out of the ocean before it could be flipped by the next wave, fording rain-swollen rivers, seeing the stark terror in children’s eyes as they spied their first outsider, seeing the suffering from malaria up close, dodging a mad barracuda’s sharp teeth, snorkeling over World War II wreckage, journeying through a maze of idyllic tiny atolls aboard a rusted cargo ship and meeting people whose outlook on life has changed mine forever.


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