Story behind The Beartooth Chronicles: Part 1 - Location

The Beartooth Chronicles is set in the future at a time when all of the world’s ice has melted into the oceans and inland lakes, forcing populations around the world away from the coasts. If all of the ice melted, sea levels could raise over 200 feet, which would submerge the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, and the White House in Washington, D.C The fictional community of Beartooth is located near the top of Beartooth Pass. The top of Beartooth pass is currently over 9,400 feet above sea level. In the series, after a rise in sea level and subsidence, the community’s elevation is about 8,900 feet above sea level. Currently, the road over the pass is open from approximately Memorial Day to mid-October, depending on the amount of snow (photo was taken opening day 2022). In the novels, snow no longer falls and the residents of Beartooth have been able to grow food year-round. The isolation, ability to grow food, and abundant wildlife has enabled them to c...