2023 Garden Recap

The garden is all but done for the season. Only a few hardy plants remain. I had decent production despite an odd summer. I had to plant a couple weeks later than usual due to cold overnight temperatures. It stayed cool and rained pretty much the entire month of June. July and August turned hot, some days reaching over 100 degrees. I had a good harvest of beans, bell peppers, lettuce, cabbage, and chilis/peppers (Anaheim, Serrano, Jalapeno). I got enough corn, tomatoes, zucchini, peas, and cucumbers to enjoy, but not enough to brag about. And, the brussel sprouts never matured. The one big surprise was our grape vines. It’s our vines fourth year and we finally got enough wine grapes to attempt a few bottles of wine. Overall, I’m satisfied, but I’m already looking forward to gardening season 2024.