Summer is finally here and I couldn’t be happier. I’m enjoying the warmer weather, have planted my garden, and have even taken the adventure van out on its first road-trip of the season to Utah. It was great to visit some of our favorite national parks and discover ones we haven’t seen before. We also found a few state parks and other attractions. I hope everyone’s summer is starting out great. WRITING NOTES AND NEWS Four of my novels have been chosen to be Amazon Kindle monthly deals starting on June 1 st . Get Marked in Mexico, Deadly Exodus, A Taste of Tragedy, and A Measure of Madness for just $1.99 each. Links to my books can be found on my Amazon Author page at: When not working on the early 2024 release of my new series, I continue to write Kindle Vella episodes. My first Vella, Professor of Lies (Renegades’ Redemption Book 1), is complete and all episodes are available to read, so no waiting for new episodes to pos...